quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2013


I’m afraid I don’t have much to tell you. Life has been pretty boring. I don’t know for sure if “boring” is the right word, but I feel like I’m stuck in here. Like I’m not going anywhere. I’m teaching kids. It’s a good thing, but it makes me really tired and stressed.

I’m not studying, what makes me really sad. 

I’m not having much fun at all.

I wake up tired. I go to sleep tired. I spend the day getting tired. And bored.

I have been alone. That’s fine. Because, like Tame Impala says “company’s ok, solitude is bliss”. Solitude doesn’t make me uncomfortable. What makes me feel that way is boredom. I feel in my bones the will of going out. Finding something new. I feel like I need an adventure. “Ain’t we all just runaways?”

Take me out tonight, because I want to see people and I want to see life.

After nineteen years being a commited person, I just feel like I must have a “party and bullshit moment”.

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